Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Has anyone seen my alarm clock or my boots?

It's been a week or two since I've seen my alarm clock. Likewise, the boots that I was planning on wearing today (and last Sunday) are also missing. I know LG is innocent until proven guilty, but he is my no. 1 suspect at the moment.  He is a pretty cute suspect. When my sister's kids were very young, she once found her alarm clock in the crisper area of the fridge. I had better continue my search.


adamf said...

Well, he has been caught hiding some items before!

limes said...

Aw, nuts. I guess I can't use that excuse anymore, considering the age of my child. :-)

Alice said...

We find things in weird places at our house too.

There's still one remote we can't find. It's been months.