The Office, Burn Notice, Psych, American Idol, Lost, Rachael Ray, West Wing, Lois and Clark (an oldie but a goodie)
Eight favorite restaurants:
Olive Garden, The Mandarin, El Matador, Ming Wah, The Roof, The Maddox, Utah Noodle, Noodles and Company
Eight things I've done today:
Woke up to a sub-finder call around 6am.
Listened to my son say/cry, "ALL DONE" while simultaneously eating his breakfast.
Substitute taught Special Ed in the morning and 4th grade in the afternoon at different schools.
Wolfed down my lunch in about 5 minutes.
Made sandwiches.
Folded towels.
Loaded the dishwasher.
Ate a healthy snack (apple, cheese, crackers) followed by a yummy snack: a candy bar (yes, from the bag that is for the 3 trick-or-treaters who will visit this Friday).
Eight things I am looking forward to:
Spending a few minutes with my husband after we finish this tag. Thanks Tara.
Going to bed.
Looking at grocery ads online tomorrow (a strange one, I know).
Hanging out with a friend tomorrow.
Going to my sis's house for Thanksgiving.
Making pie and rolls for that very dinner.
Going home for Christmas.
That political campaigning will soon take a break.
Eight things on my wish list:
A haircut/highlight.
A food processor.
Some new clothes for teaching.
A springform pan.
An undershirt for my black dress.
A ton of children's books.
New sheets.
A day at the spa (it's okay to wish upon a star).